Saturday, May 16, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Uh oh.

One of Rowan's latest favorite activities is climbing. He can get up on the couch himself and he can climb up onto this trunk...and then on top of the air purifier...and then he's stuck. He's fast too. It only takes him a couple of minutes to get up here. It's got me looking around the house at any other tempting "climbing walls" and wondering what he's going to get into next.

More photos

New Rocking Chair!

Nana bought Rowan a little rocking chair on Sunday. He "helped" put it together and really likes climbing in and making it rock all by himself. It's super cute.

While we were at Ikea I also got kiddo a little chair (to go with his little table), a chalkboard, some storage bins, and some other silly stuff for his room. I'm hoping in the next month or so to totally clean out his room, paint it, and make give it a sort of space theme. We'll see. There's a lot of junk under the steps that will need a new home. I want to turn that area into a little fort for him.

Cedar Chips

On Saturday we had 6 cubic yards of cedar chips delivered for our backyard. I had no idea how large of a pile 6 cubic yards would make - but YIKES it's a big one.

Rowan had a good time rolling around in them, tasting them, and shoveling them. I found a handful of giant chips in his clothes when it was bedtime. In no time I'm sure I'll find handfuls of chips in every corner of the house too. I guess it's better than mud though.

PS. These shots are with our new camera! We left our old one in the rental car in Baltimore, hence the lack of photos/posts in the past month.